Right Extruded Stair Nosings can make slippery stairs
safe again. They can be quickly and easliy installed in almost any location
with lasting beauty and dependable protection.
Choice of color enhances the appeal of these handsome
safety stair nosings. Designed for heavy duty use indoors
and outdoors, these safety nosings meet and exceed all
OSHA and Barrier-Free requirements.
IMPACT RESISTANT: These nosings are manufactured
from an extruded aluminum base filled with a mixture of
anti-slip abrasive granules in an advanced formula epoxy
binder. Their remarkable strength is capable of absorbing
heavy impact.
BARRIER-FREE: The designs shown are in compliance
with the Barrier-Free Code, ensuring those physically
impaired complete access to public buildings.
ANTI-SLIP SURFACE: Each abrasive-filled rib projects
above the aluminum base for the greatest exposure of
anti-slip surface in any tread now being produced in the
United States.
CHOICE OF COLOR: Colors are locked into the epoxy
abrasive mixture and will not fade or wear off, maintaining
a rich color to blend with any decor. Black, Gray, Red, Yellow, Blue, Orange, Green, Purple, Beige, Brown
ECONOMICAL: Using our exclusive automated filling
machinery, these extruded base safety nosings are
manufactured et three times the speed of ordinary
methods. This labor saving method reduces cost
