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Trail Blazer Mats
The Portable Temporary Roadway System

    Trail Blazer Mats - are super strength lightweight panels made from engineered composite fiberglass materials.  This space-age product allows the panels to bend and twist which prevents Trail Blazer Mats from breaking when under extreme loads. Trail Blazer Mats can handle 17,000-pound backhoes to 100,000 pound drilling rigs or cranes. Trail Blazer Mats can be configured to form a continuous roadway for vehicles to be driven over turf lawns, through rain-soaked or plowed fields, or on desert sand.  They feature textured surfaces on top and bottom to provide ground gripping action and good vehicle wheel traction. Trail Blazer Mats are available in six (6) standard configurations that have been determined to meet the needs of several commonly encountered field situations: 


On to Trail Blazer Mats Price Chart

Persuader Next In Line Tight Spotter
for the worst off-road applications for heavy duty applications but not as heavy as all that for use on fine lawns where no holes or ruts are likely to be encountered for working in and around highly manicured lawns, cemeteries, golf courses, and park settings where protection of the existing growth from heavy equipment is required

Fiberglass Mat with 1.5 in rut after 5,000 truck passes Installing 4 ft x 12 ft fiberglass mat panel  
Plane Pad Section Eight Small Fry
for temporary desert aviation support locations where you think it would be crazy to ever put a road for small areas in residential backyards and where neatness counts.

Bolting mat panel to connecting panels Fiberglass mat roadway over sand sub grade  
A set of twelve (12) mats allows for cost-effective usage with most vehicles. Custom mats for unique applications can be quoted on request.
Safety is the prime motivation in selecting the appropriate Trail Blazer Mats system for each application.  The answers to the following questions can go along way to helping determine the right style of Trail Blazer Mats:
What are you trying to do with the Trail Blazer Mat System?  
What is the weight of the vehicle using the system? 
What type of ground situation will need to be handled?



Special situations can be addressed in several ways.  Where ice and snow situations exist or where hills need to be negotiated, the use of Spikes (colored Orange for easy identification) can enable the Trail Blazer Mat System to hold its ground.. 
The Trail Blazer Mats are normally supplied with a rough textured surface to allow tires to get traction.  In situations where vehicles may be twisting and turning on the mats, such as in large pad operations, the traction surface would compound the twisting and turning forces and over power the mats, which might cause them to move.  To reduce that tendency, the top of the mats for use in that kind of environment can be supplied with a smooth surface. 
Similarly, a Trail Blazer Mat System used as a taxi mat for storage of planes or other vehicles in windy areas may require special treatment.  While offering unique advantages, such as being light weight enough to be handled by manpower, the mats will need weighting or anchoring to defend against high winds which could blow them away due to their being so light weight. 
Customers are invited to describe in detail their requirements so that a formal price quote may be developed.  Provide by Fax, mail or e-mail, the quantities, mat sizes, payloads, vehicle type(s) with weight(s) and number of axles, location (with name of town, state & zip code for freight component) and terrain description.


Helpful Hints 2 - Mobile Homes

Helpful Hints 3 - Cemeteries


740 West End Avenue; Suite 1
New York, NY 10025 USA

Phone: 646-998-4208
Fax: 646-998-4073
Phone: 800-442-6544
Fax: 800-Mats-Fax (628-7329)