Made-to-Measure School Theme Flooring Inserts


If you think that kids don't notice, think again. Their energy is boundless and they are forever turning real life stuff into the stuff that games are made of. Making a hallway junction point into an alphabet game board is not so farfetched as it might seem at first blush. 


Alphabet Game - Rubber Tile

   And really anything can be a teaching tool. The points of a compass, a famous phrase, the names of great people, geometric shapes, the chart of elements, an area map, and who knows what else.


Compass Rose - Sheet Vinyl

       Or, how about making the music wing more "note worthy" by putting a free ranging music related floor design on every square foot of the department. It's that old commitment thing; and, it works. 


Elementary School Music Hallway

       We see this kind of thinking on the elementary school level all the time. But, we probably need it just as much in the upper grades and even in the world of big business. Think "out of the box" and make the floor of the car service (read: car maintenance and repair) waiting room reflect its purpose in a creative and friendly and welcoming way.


Elementary School Art Hallway

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