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RCA Transit-Flor® Fiber Reinforced Rubber Flooring & Step Treads DISCONTINUED
Proven tough year after year in transit systems across the United States and Canada.


 Transit-Flor® Fiber Reinforced Rubber Flooring



To Transit-Flor Fiber Reinforced Rubber Step Treads



Transit-Flor® Fiber Reinforced Rubber Flooring


1/8" thick Smooth Surface Transit Flooring



3/16" thick Double Grooved Ribbed Transit Flooring

Transit-Flor Fiber Reinforced Rubber Flooring is designed especially for grueling, high traffic transit use. It is available in two formulations: 1/8" thick Smooth Surface Flooring for use under benches and 3/6" thick Double Grooved Ribbed Aisle Flooring for use in the highly trafficked aisles of buses and trains.

Asbestos Free Formulation

Transit-Flor Fiber Reinforced Rubber Flooring - Color Chart
Premium Marbleized Colors
860 - Earthtone 872 - Midnight 895 - Diablo .
Standard Marbleized Colors
602 - Arizona Sunset 604 - Black Marble 621 - Starburst 625 - Heatwave
627 - Fossil 628 - Splash 630 - Mahogany Swirl 653 - Soft Jade
702 - Blue Skies 711 - Dove Grey 747 - Butterscotch Swirl 753 - Ivy
758 - Fresh Cream 766 - Slate Grey 777 - Marbleized Fawn 788 - Phantom
. .
852 - Surf 855 - Rossa . .
Granite Colors
407 - Raw Umber 411 - Limestone 427 - Chestnut 452 - Cobalt
455 - Hot Cinnamon 466 - Graphite 477 - Luxor Gold .
LGF Transit Colors
103 - Mica 105 - Enzo 106 - Spectra 112 - Delta
118 - Copa 126 - Miura 146 - Luna 152 - Azura
158 - Stella 176 - Torma 182 - Vega 183 - Puma
. .
186 - Vero 196 - Metro . .
Premium Terrazzo Colors
917 - Terracotta 975 - Firefly 983 - Jadestone 987 - Muddy Waters
992 - Royal 522 - Kashmir    
Standard Terrazzo Colors
518 - Starfield 546 - Ironite 560 - Brownstown  
Solid Colors
101 - Black 707 - Brown    

Transit-Flor Fiber Reinforced Rubber Flooring is also available in special formulation for rail cars in the Low Smoke and Flame 200 Series to meet the bridge and tunnel requirements. This material is available in 1/8" gauge smooth and in 3/16" gauge ribbed. The flooring can be produced in a variety of width to a maximum width of 48". Widths of 46" or less are most popular. There are length limitations, which make the use of a dimentional drawing for quoting and fabrication purposes. Therefore, when requesting a quotation, please provide the following:

1. Contact person's name, company name, phone number, fax number, e-mail address and destination city, state and Zip Code or Postal Code.

2. Indicate whether the material required is to include smooth and ribbed flooring or all of one type and which type desired.

3. Please provide dimensional drawings indicating the direction of the ribbing and any special cutting that may be required.

4. If possible, please provide the make and model of the rail car or cars being repaired, refurbished or rehabilitated as we may well be familiar with the original Part Numbers and exact dimensions assigned to each on for each unit.

Please Note: Transit-Flor Fiber Reinforced Rubber Flooring in the Low Smoke and Flame 200 Series formulation has its own specifications, which can be reviewed by clicking on the following links:



RCA Rubber Company products are Made in America.


Colors - Specifications - Maintenance - Samples - Price Chart - Price Quotation - Warranty


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New York, NY 10025 USA

Phone: 646-998-4208
Fax: 646-998-4073
Phone: 800-442-6544
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