The Mat King Hazardous Liquid & Oil Scooper Products

       An oil pipeline ruptures. A barge runs aground. A piece of machinery leaks. It could happen somewhere in your operation. It could happen now! It's probably not serious. Some expensive production time is spent cleaning up, but it could have been worse. Well, what id it is worse? What if a large petroleum spill threatens your employees, company, community or environment?

       Such an event could happen at any industrial operation ... even yours. To help you prepare for petroleum-based liquid spills on land or water, The Mat King manufactures a versatile, durable line of quality sorbent products with superior adsorption characteristics. When the worst happens, The Mat King oil absorbents are at their best.
The Mat King Oil Scooper Products Illustration The Mat King Oil Scooper Products Illustration The Mat King Oil Scooper Products Illustration
       From print shops to petroleum refineries, from paper products to plastics, from electronics to engine repair, no industrial operation is immune to leaks and drips. To help you maintain a safe, clean and efficient manufacturing environment, The Mat king offers a versatile line of top-quality industrial sorbent products. Our wide variety of sizes, shapes and formulations provides effective, full-time control for drips and leaks of virtually any liquid. Sorbents from The Mat King keep your work areas neat and productive, without the unsightly, uncontrollable mess produced by some other absorbent materials. Whether your manufacturing or production facility is large or small, be sure to keep an ample supply of The Mat King industrial sorbents on hand for a worry-free workplace.

The Mat King Oil Scooper Products / Sorbents

The Mat King Sorbents can be rinsed or wrung and reused several times. Incineration yields 19,850 BTU per pound of polypropylene and leaves only .2% ash residue.
The Mat King Oil Scooper Products Illustration
The Mat King Oil Scooper Products Illustration

The Mat King Oil Scooper Products / Sorbents

The Mat King Sorbents are easily deployed and retrieved without special equipment or specially trained personnel.

The Mat King Oil Scooper Products / Water-Repellent Sorbents

The Mat King Water-repellent sorbents swiftly and efficiently absorb up to 25 times their own weight in oil, yet they continue to float until retrieved.

The Mat King Oil Scooper Products Storage

Rapid, 24-hour response to emergency situations is assured by nationwide network of storage warehouses and distributors.

The Mat King Oil Scooper Products / Water-Repellent Sorbents

The Mat King's wide variety of sizes and configurations provides the appropriate product for every application.

The Mat King Oil Scooper Products Illustration The Mat King Oil Scooper Products Illustration The Mat King Oil Scooper Products Illustration
The Mat King Oil Scooper Products Illustration The Mat King Oil Scooper Products Illustration The Mat King Oil Scooper Products Illustration

740 West End Avenue; Suite 1
New York, NY 10025 USA

Phone: 646-998-4208
Fax: 646-998-4073
Phone: 800-442-6544
Fax: 800-Mats-Fax (628-7329)