How to Measure for Flooring: There are floor covering stores everywhere. Some measure one way. Some measure another. It may be, that for every professional flooring person there is, there is a different way of measuring for a floor covering project. In all fairness, there are a great number of elements that should be considered when developing a cut plan. In most instances, those involved in making floor covering proposals for consideration by building owners will want to make a site visit to learn as much as they can about the complexities that may or may not present themselves. There are instances when measuring may need to be done by those who are not as familiar with the complexities and idiosyncrasies of floor covering, particularly with carpet, and in those situations, being able to create an accurate and easily understood record of what the existing requirements and traffic patterns may be can be very important. To facilitate the process for those who are faced with developing such a summary report of what in a facility needs to be covered, we offer a drawing that presents in what we hope is a simplified way how to structure a floor plan and to record the various important measurements for making an initial plan. Click HERE for that drawing. Thank you.
How to Measure for Matting: Matting can refer to anything from several instances of small mats to large sections or runners of matting material to fully configured programs of two or more mats and runners that get deployed to accomplish certain objectives dealing with safety and perhaps soil control or other secondary considerations such as the enhancement of the decor of a building lobby or to serve as directional pathways for visitors to a facility.
The assignment to measure for matting programs can be approached as simply as to determine the general distances and widths to be covered or matted and to order rectangular shaped mats that will as closely as possible approximate those dimensions. If all the places where mats in such a program come together are 90 degree corners, there is no problem. Just deploy the mats and all should be well.
If the angles are other than 90 degrees, there is often a tendency for those charged with deploying the mats to do so such that the mats get overlapped. That is where the seeds of "trip and fall accidents" are often sewn. We did not say, "slip and fall accident" because in the situation described, the matting itself would be there to guard against "slipping". It would be the unanticipated and often almost unnoticeable difference in terrain resulting from how and where the mats get overlapped that would be what would or very well might cause a user to catch his or her foot, as if in a hidden trip-wire, and have their forward motion arrested and, depending on how fast they were walking and on how dexterous they may or may not be, they could end up simply loosing their balance and recovering with no incidence, or catching them selves and running a few steps to catch up to their upper torso, which was falling forward, or, worst of all, having their foot so totally enveloped and taken over by the mat edge, loosing control and falling directly to the floor below.
How to measure for Mats: Single mats are a different story all together than an extentive matting program; but all as important.
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