styles of frames are available: Aluminum
Recessed Angle Frame, Deep Pit or Drain Pan Application
Frame and Level Bed or Thin Slab Application Frame. The Mat King
Level Bed Grate Frame and The Mat King Deep Pit Grate Frame are adaptable
for use with a pit or drain pan if needed.
All of
these frames can be used to support any of the seven tread rails.
Site conditions or designer preference will determine which frame
type is appropriate to use. Frames are fabricated from extruded
6063-T52 alloy aluminum. All surfaces in contact with concrete
are protected with a shop coat of primer. |
Recessed Angle Frame
Frame to be 6063-T52 aluminum alloy with metal finish
chosen from available colors. |

Product Number:
3302-900-0424 |
Click HERE
for installation guidelines for the 424 Frame. |
Pit / Drain Pan Application Frame
Specification Insert: Grate frame shall be The
Mat King Deep Pit / Drain Pan Application Frame. Concrete drain
pit shall be formed when drains are set. Drain, trap, connections
and assembly of pan material to be furnished by others. Note:
Grate frame can be used with Thin Slab Application frame extender
for added depth on concrete pit applications. Frame to
be 6063-T52 aluminum alloy with metal finish chosen from available
Number: 3302-900-0421 |
for installation guidelines for the 421 Frame |
Bed / Thin Slab Application Frame
Insert: Grate frame shall be The Mat King Level Bed / Thin Slab
Application Frame. Grate shall be furnished with dual durometer
vinyl pads attached to each tread rail. If optional drain pan
is required: Frame shall be supplied with frame extender and 16
Ga. aluminum drain pan. Drains, trap, connections as assembly
of pan material to be furnished by others. Note: Grate
frame can be supplied with frame extender and a concrete pit formed
for this slab (2-3/4) applications. Frame to be 6063-T52 aluminum
alloy with metal finish chosen from available colors.

Number: 3302-900-0420 |
Product Number:
3302-900-0420 |
Click HERE
for installation guidelines for the 420 Frame |
Click HERE
for installation guidelines for the 420/422 Frame |