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Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape
Non-Skid Abrasive Safety Tape with Silicone Carbide Grit

    Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape - is engineered to offer enhanced traction in locations where traction would otherwise be at a premium. The business side of the Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape is coarse grain silicone carbide adhered to a sturdy and durable PVC backing with a 6 mil paper liner. The support side, the underneath part of the tape is coated with a peel-and-stick adhesive that sticks like glue. Sorry. But, it really does take a position once in place and will not be budged unless purposely being removed or under long and significant usage. The agressive acrylic adhesive conformes to irregular surfaces and the bond strengthens with time and with heat. Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape greatly reduces the chance of falls on slick concrete or tile floors.


Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape comes in Black, Red, White, Dark Green, Dark Blue, Light Blue, Flour Yellow, Flour Pink and Flour Orange.

Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape can be ordered in specially die cut shapes. Simply submit a drawing of the required shape and quantities and color with contact information and destination city, state and Zip Code for the shipping, and we will be pleased to provide and price quotation.


Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape is available in ten standard widths and in one standard roll length, which is 60 feet long. Custom widths can be special ordered and can ship in from 3 to 5 working days. The maximum custom slit width is 18" wide. The most narrow custom slit width can be no more narrow than 1" wide.

Average Physical Properties
Temperature Range
22°F to 122°F (-5°C to 50°C)
Tape Thickness
32 mil (.82 mm)
Liner Thickness
6 mil (.122 mm)
General Grit Size
40 to 60
Adhesive Type
100 oz/in width (70 gm/ sq m)
Tensile strength
100 oz/in width


Application Guidelines: For adequate bonding Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape must be applied to a clean, dry, oil free surface with at a temperature of at least 55° F (13°C).


Price List
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape Colors and Clear
Safety Yellow
Traffic Cone Orange
Dark Blue
Light Blue

How to Order - Call or e-mail or Fax requests for freight charges. Please provided contact information, destination city, state and Zip Code and sizes and quantities of material beiong ordered. Thank you.


740 West End Avenue, Suite 1
New York, NY 10025 USA
Phone: 646-998-4208
Fax: 646-998-4073
Phone: 800-442-6544
Fax: 800-Mats-Fax (628-7329)