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Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape - Price List
Non-Skid Abrasive Safety Tape with Silicone Carbide Grit

    Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape - is available in Black, a variety of colors and clear. The price list below is for Black. To figure the prices for any of the colors of Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape add 15% to the prices for Black listed below. To figure the prices for Clear Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape add 30% to the prices for Black listed below.


Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape - Black
1 inch wide x 60 feet long rolls
Product Number Summary Description Rolls/Case Detailed Description
Price per roll Price per Pkg
1 case of 12 rolls; of 1 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 1 in x 60 ft ; 12 rolls/cs; $/roll (rack#: 30soblack-01000-1)
$16.29 $195.47 for 12 rolls
2352-000-0160 3 cases of 12 rolls of 1 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 1 in x 60 ft; 12 rolls/cs; $/roll for 3 cases (rack#: 30soblack-01000-3)
$14.68 $528.36 for 36 rolls
2353-000-0160 5 cases of 12 rolls of 1 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 1 in x 60 ft; 12 rolls/cs; $/roll for 5 cases (rack#: 30soblack-01000-5)
$13.22 $793.33 for 60 rolls
2354-000-0160 10 cases of 12 rolls of 1 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 1 in x 60 ft; 12 rolls/cs; $/roll for 10 cases (rack#: 30soblack-01000-10)
$11.91 $1,429.33 for 120 rolls
2355-000-0160 25 cases of 12 rolls of 1 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 1 in x 60 ft; 12 rolls/cs; $/roll for 25 cases (rack#: 30soblack-01000-25)
$10.89 $3,266.67 for 300 rolls
2 inch wide x 60 feet long rolls
Product Number Summary Description Rolls/Case Detailed Description
Price per roll Price per Pkg
2351-101-0260 1 case of 6 rolls of 2 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 2 in x 60 ft; 6 rolls/cs; $/roll for 1 case (rack#: 30soblack-02000-1)
$32.60 $195.60 for 6 rolls
2352-000-0260 3 cases of 6 rolls of 2 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 2 in x 60 ft; 6 rolls/cs; $/roll for 3 cases (rack#: 30soblack-02000-3)
$29.33 $528.00 for 18 rolls
2353-000-0260 5 cases of 6 rolls of 2 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 2 in x 60 ft; 6 rolls/cs; $/roll for 5 cases (rack#: 30soblack-02000-5)
$26.44 $793.33 for 30 rolls
2354-000-0260 10 cases of 6 rolls of 2 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 2 in x 60 ft; 6 rolls/cs; $/roll for 10 cases (rack#: 30soblack-02000-10)
$23.82 $1,429.33 for 60 rolls
2355-000-0260 25 cases of 6 rolls of 2 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 2 in x 60 ft; 6 rolls/cs; $/roll for 25 cases (rack#: 30soblack-02000-25)
$21.78 $3,266.67 for 150 rolls
3 inch wide x 60 feet long rolls
Product Number Summary Description Rolls/Case Detailed Description
Price per roll Price per Pkg
1 case of 4 rolls of 3 in x 60 ft; Black
 Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 3 in x 60 ft; 4 rolls/cs; $/roll for 1 case (rack#: 30soblack-03000-1) 
$48.96 $195.82 for 4 rolls
2352-000-0360 3 cases of 4 rolls of 3 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 3 in x 60 ft; 4 rolls/cs; $/roll for 3 cases (rack#: 30soblack-03000-3) 
$44.07 $528.80 for 12 rolls
2353-000-0360 5 cases of 4 rolls of 3 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 3 in x 60 ft; 4 rolls/cs; $/roll for 5 cases (rack#: 30soblack-03000-5)
$39.67 $793.33 for 20 rolls
2354-000-0360 10 cases of 4 rolls of 3 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 2 in x 60 ft; 6 rolls/cs; $/roll for 10 cases (rack#: 30soblack-02000-10)
$35.73 $1,429.33 for 40 rolls
2355-000-0360 25 cases of 4 rolls of 3 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 3 in x 60 ft; 6 rolls/cs; $/roll for 25 cases (rack#: 30soblack-03000-25)
$32.67 $3,266.67 for 100 rolls
4 inch wide x 60 feet long rolls
Product Number Summary Description Rolls/Case Detailed Description
Price per roll Price per Pkg
2351-000-0460 1 case of 3 rolls of 4 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 4 in x 60 ft; 3 rolls/cs; $/roll for 1 case (rack#: 30soblack-04000-1)
$65.18 $195.53 for 3 rolls
2352-000-0460 3 cases of 3 rolls of 4 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 4 in x 60 ft; 3 rolls/cs; $/roll for 3 cases (rack#: 30soblack-04000-3)
$58.67 $528.00 for 9 rolls
2353-000-0460 5 cases of 3 rolls of 4 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 4 in x 60 ft; 3 rolls/cs; $/roll for 5 cases (rack#: 30soblack-04000-5)
$52.89 $793.33 for 15 rolls
2354-000-0460 10cases of 3 rolls of 4 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 4 in x 60 ft; 3 rolls/cs; $/roll for 10 cases (rack#: 30soblack-04000-10)
$47.64 $1,429.33 for 10 rolls
2355-000-0460 25 cases of 3 rolls of 4 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 4 in x 60 ft; 3 rolls/cs; $/roll for 25 cases (rack#: 30soblack-04000-25)
$43.56 $3,266.67 for 75 rolls
6 inch wide x 60 feet long rolls
Product Number Summary Description Rolls/Case Detailed Description
Price per roll Price per Pkg
2351-000-0660 1 case of 2 rolls of 6 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 6 in x 60 ft; 2 rolls/cs; $/roll for 1case (rack#: 30soblack-06000-1)
$97.73 $195.47 for 2 rolls
2352-000-0660 3 cases of 2 rolls of 6 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 6 in x 60 ft; 2 rolls/cs; $/roll for 3 cases (rack#: 30soblack-06000-3)
$88.00 $528.00 for 6 rolls
2353-000-0660 5cases of 2 rolls of 6 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 6 in x 60 ft; 2 rolls/cs; $/roll for 5 cases (rack#: 30soblack-06000-5)
$79.33 $793.33 for 10 rolls
2354-000-0660 10 cases of 2 rolls of 6 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 6 in x 60 ft; 2 rolls/cs; $/roll for 10 cases (rack#: 30soblack-06000-10)
$71.47 $1,429.33 for 20 rolls
2355-000-0660 25 cases of 2 rolls of 6 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 6 in x 60 ft; 2 rolls/cs; $/roll for 25 cases (rack#: 30soblack-06000-25)
$65.33 $3,266.67 for 50 rolls
12 inch wide x 60 feet long rolls
Product Number Summary Description Rolls/Case Detailed Description
Price per roll Price per Pkg
2351-000-1260 1 case of 1 roll of 12 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 12 in x 60 ft; 1 roll/cs; $/roll for 1 cases (rack#: 30soblack-12000-1)   $195.47 $195.47 for 1 roll
2352-000-1260 3 cases of 1 roll of 12 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 12 in x 60 ft; 1 roll/cs; $/roll for 3 cases (rack#: 30soblack-12000-3)
$176.00 $528.00 for 3 rolls
2353-000-1260 5 cases of 1 roll of 12 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 12 in x 60 ft; 1 roll/cs; $/roll for 5 cases (rack#: 30soblack-12000-5)
$158.67 $793.33 for 5 rolls
2354-000-1260 10 cases of 1 roll of 12 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 12 in x 60 ft; 1 roll/cs; $/roll for 10 cases (rack#: 30soblack-12000-10)
$142.93 $1,429.33 for 10 rolls
2355-000-1260 25 cases of 1 roll of 12 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 12 in x 60 ft; 1 roll/cs; $/roll for 25 cases (rack#: 30soblack-12000-25)
$130.67 $3,266.67 for 25 rolls
18 inch wide x 60 feet long rolls
Product Number Summary Description Rolls/Case Detailed Description
Price per roll Price per Pkg
2351-000-1860 1 cases of 1 roll of 18 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 18 in x 60 ft; 1 rolls/cs; $/roll for 1 case (rack#: 30soblack-18000-1)
$293.20 $293.20 for 1 roll
2352-000-1860 3 cases of 1 roll of 18 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 18 in x 60 ft; 1 roll/cs; $/roll for 3 cases (rack#: 30soblack-18000-3)
$264.00 $792.00 for 3 rolls
2353-000-1860 5 cases of 1 roll of 18 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 18 in x 60 ft; 1 roll/cs; $/roll for 5 cases (rack#: 30soblack-18000-5)
$238.00 $1,190.00 for 5 rolls
2354-000-1860 10 cases of 1 roll of 18 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 18 in x 60 ft; 1 roll/cs; $/roll for 10 cases (rack#: 30soblack-18000-10)
$214.40 $2,144.00 for 10 rolls
2355-000-1860 25 cases of 1 roll of 18 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 18 in x 60 ft; 1 roll/cs; $/roll for 25 cases (rack#: 30soblack-18000-25)
$196.00 $4,900.00 for 25 rolls
20 inch wide x 60 feet long rolls
Product Number Summary Description Rolls/Case Detailed Description
Price per roll Price per Pkg
2351-000-2060 1 case of 1 roll of 20 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 20 in x 60 ft; 1 roll/cs; $/roll for 1 case (rack#: 30soblack-20000-1)
$325.78 $325.78 for 1 roll
2352-000-2060 3 cases of 1 roll of 20 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 20 in x 60 ft; 1 roll/cs; $/roll for 3 cases (rack#: 30soblack-20000-3)
$293.33 $880.00 for 3 rolls
2353-000-2060 5 cases of 1 roll of 20 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 20 in x 60 ft; 1 roll/cs; $/roll for 5 cases (rack#: 30soblack-20000-5)
$264.44 $1,322.22 for 5 rolls
2354-000-2060 10 cases of 1 roll of 20 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 20 in x 60 ft; 1 roll/cs; $/roll for 10 cases (rack#: 30soblack-20000-10)
$237.78 $2,377.78 for 10 rolls
2355-000-2060 25 cases of 1 roll of 20 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 20 in x 60 ft; 1 roll/cs; $/roll for 25 cases (rack#: 30soblack-20000-25)
$217.78 $5,444.44 for 25 rolls
24 inch wide x 60 feet long rolls
Product Number Summary Description Rolls/Case Detailed Description
Price per roll Price per Pkg
2351-000-2460 1 case of 1 roll of 24 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 24 in x 60 ft; 1 roll/cs; $/roll for 1 case (rack#: 30soblack-24000-1)
$390.93 $390.93 for 1 roll
2352-000-2460 3 cases of 1 roll of 24 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 24 in x 60 ft; 1 roll/cs; $/roll for 3 cases (rack#: 30soblack-24000-3)
$352.00 $1,056.00 for 3 rolls
2353-000-2460 5 cases of 1 roll of 24 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 24 in x 60 ft; 1 roll/cs; $/roll for 5 cases (rack#: 30soblack-24000-5)
$317.33 $1,586.67 for 5 rolls
2354-000-2460 10 cases of 1 roll of 24 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 24 in x 60 ft; 1 roll/cs; $/roll for 10 cases (rack#: 30soblack-24000-10)
$285.87 $2,858.67 for 10 rolls
2355-000-2460 25 cases of 1 roll of 24 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 24 in x 60 ft; 1 roll/cs; $/roll for 25 cases (rack#: 30soblack-24000-25)
$261.33 $6,533.33 for 25 rolls
36 inch wide x 60 feet long rolls
Product Number Summary Description Rolls/Case Detailed Description
Price per roll Price per Pkg
2351-000-3660 1 case of 1 roll of 36 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 36 in x 60 ft; 1 roll/cs; $/roll for 1 case (rack#: 30soblack-36000-1)
$586.40 $586.40 for 1 roll
2352-000-3660 3 cases of 1 roll of 36 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 36 in x 60 ft; 1 roll/cs; $/roll for 3 cases (rack#: 30soblack-36000-3)
$528.00 $1,584.00 for 3 rolls
2353-000-3660 5 cases of 1 roll of 36 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 36 in x 60 ft; 1 roll/cs; $/roll for 5 cases (rack#: 30soblack-36000-5)
$476.00 $2,380.00 for 5 rolls
2354-000-3660 10 cases of 1 roll of 36 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 36 in x 60 ft; 1 roll/cs; $/roll for 10 cases (rack#: 30soblack-36000-10)
$428.80 $4,288.00 for 10 rolls
2355-000-3660 25 cases of 1 roll of 36 in x 60 ft; Black
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape BLACK; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; 36 in x 60 ft; 1 roll/cs; $/roll for 25 cases (rack#: 30soblack-36000-25)
$392.003 $9,800.00 for 25 rolls
COLORRolls TBD inch wide x 60 feet long rolls - refer to color chart below
Product Number Summary Description Rolls/Case Detailed Description
Price per roll Price per Pkg
2351-008-001 ___ quantity of ___ inches wide rolls x 60 ft; Color TBD
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape COLOR: _______; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; __inches x 60 ft; __ roll/cs; $/roll for __ case(s) (rack#: 30socolor-001)   15% Higher than BLACK prices above 15% Higher than BLACK prices above
CLEAR Rolls TBD inch wide x 60 feet long rolls - refer to CLEAR on chart below
Product Number Summary Description Rolls/Case Detailed Description
Price per roll Price per Pkg
2351-009-001 ___ quantity of ___ inches wide rolls x 60 ft; CLEAR
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape CLEAR; peel and stick; Silicone Carbide; __inches x 60 ft; __ roll/cs; $/roll for __ case(s) (rack#: 30soclear-001)   30% Higher than BLACK prices above 30% Higher than BLACK prices above
Prices are exclusive of shipping, which will be based on destination city, state and Zip Code.
Deliveries to NY, CT or NJ are subject to applicable State Sales Tax.

Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape may be ordered in color; add 15% to the above prices for color.

PLEASE NOTE: To determine price of Rolls of Color Traction Tape divide Black Pricing for Roll Size desired by 85%.
Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape may be ordered in clear; add 30% to the above prices for clear.
PLEASE NOTE: To determine price of Rolls of Clear Traction Tape divide Black Pricing for Roll Size desired by 70%.
How to Order - Call or e-mail or Fax requests for freight charges. Please provided contact information, destination city, state and Zip Code and sizes and quantities of material beiong ordered. Thank you.


Toe Hold Industrial Traction Tape Colors and Clear
Safety Yellow
Traffic Cone Orange
Dark Blue
Light Blue


740 West End Avenue, Suite 1
New York, NY 10025 USA
Phone: 646-998-4208
Fax: 646-998-4073
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