Color Option Vinyl Backed Cocoa Matting

Flammability Test Results



This report represents results of a test for critical radiant flux of a floor covering system.

The material was tested in accordance with the American Society for Testing and Materials Standard Test Method E 648—86, "Critical Radiant Flux of Floor—Covering Systems using a Radiant Heat Energy Source." This. test, also known as the Flooring Radiant Panel, is identical to the Federal Test Method Standard Number 372 and the National Fire Protection Association Test Method Number 253. It measures the critical radiant flux at flame—out of horizontally mounted complete flooring systems exposed to a flaming Ignition source in a graded radiant heat energy environment intended to simulate the actual conditions that have bean observed and defined in full—scale experiments. The test is applicable only to floor covering systems which duplicate or simulate accepted installation practices. Tests on individual components of a system are of limited value and are not valid for evaluation of the entire flooring system.

This standard should be used to measure and describe the properties of materials, products, or assemblies in response to heat and flame under controlled laboratory conditions. It should not be used to describe or appraise the fire hazard or fire risk of materials, products, or assemblies under actual fire condition. However, results of this test may be used as elements of a fire risk assessment which rakes into account all of the factors which are pertinent to an assessment of the fire hazard of a particular end use.

The teat results apply only to the specimens tested and are not necessarily indicative of apparent identical or similar materials. All test data are on file and are available for review by authorized persons.




The Flooring Radiant Panel test measures the level of incident radiant heat energy on the floor covering system and is expressed as Critical Radiant Flux in watts per square centimeter. It provides a basis for estimating one aspect of flame spread behavior for floor covering systems installed in corridors or exit ways of buildings. The imposed radiant flux simulates thermal radiation levels likely to impinge on the floor of a corridor whose upper surfaces are heated by flames and/or hoe gases from a fully developed fire in an adjacent room or compartment.




A minimum of three (3) sets of the floor covering system must be tested A specimen measuring 20 centimeters by 100 centimeters is mounted in a horizontal specimen holder in the test chamber. A gas/air fueled radiant heat energy panel is mounted in the chamber at a 30° angle to the horizontal specimen plane. The radiant panel generates an energy flux distribution ranging along the the 100 centimeter length of the test specimen of approximately 1.0 watts per square centimeter to a minimum of 0,1 watts per square centimeter. The test is initiated by an open flame from a pilot burner that is brought into contact with the specimen for 10 minutes.

The specimen is allowed to burn until it self—extinguishes, at which time it is removed from the test chamber and the point of farthest flame front advance measured,. The Critical Radiant Flux is then computed from the Flux Profile Curve determined during the calibration of the test apparatus.




The material being evaluated is described in the Table below. All test samples were selected and identified by the client.


Floor Covering:

Construction 100% Coir

Secondary Backing — PVC

Total Weight - 187.6 ounces per square yard

RT Number - 1769

Flooring System:

Application — Free—Lay

Structural Floor - GRC board


Duration - 48 hours

Temperature — 70 ± 5°F

Relative Humidity — 50 ± 5 percent



The critical radiant flux of an inorganic millboard dummy specimen was checked at the 40 cm mark on the day of the test. Critical radiant flux of 0.5 ± 0.02 watts per square centimeter is measured at a distance of 40 centimeters from the 0 end, indicated proper operation of the test apparatus. The flooring system was then tested within the parameters outlined in the standard.


                                            #1        #2        #3

Maximum Burn Distance:     56.7      62.2      59.7

Flame Out (Minutes):           56.7      64.6      70.2

Critical Radiant Flux:             0.27      0.23      0.25

Average Critical Radiant Flux:            0.25

Standard Deviation:                           0.0241 

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Domestic Vinyl Backed Cocoa Matting

Flammability Test

Test Procedure: The flammability was determined in accordance with Title 16 CFR Chapter II, Subchapter D, Part 1631, Standard for the Surface Flammability of Small Carpets and Rugs (FF 2-70), commonly referred to as the pill test. The material had not been subjected to a fire retardant treatment. Therefore, the customary ten wash-dry cycles prior to testing was waived.

Terminology: For purposes of this test, an individual specimen meets the Test Criteria if the charred portion does not extend to within 1.0 inch of the edge of the hole in the flattening frame. The Acceptance Criteria is based on at least 7 of 8 specimens meeting the Test Criteria in order for the material to conform to this standard.


Un-Charred Surface Area (inches)

Test Result









12.5mm Coir Mat >3 >3 >3 >3 >3 >3 >3 >3 PASS
l7 mm Coir Mat >3


>3 >3 >3 >3 >3 >3 PASS

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