Seclusion Room Custom Safety Wall and Floor Padding - also known as "Time-Out Rooms" and also known as "Quiet Rooms," are a necessary part of facilities where organizations interface with the public and where someplace safe and secure is needed when an individual requires temporary confinement to protect them from doing harm to others and or to themselves. It is not a pleasant thing to have to consider, but if and when it becomes necessary, it is important that the right preparations have been made in order that such individuals will be well cared for and that they will not be able to harm themsleves while, at the same time being securely secluded from others who they might try to harm.
The Mat King Seclusion Rooms are equipped with three basic elements that provide just the right environment for this very important facility: Safety Wall Padding, Safety Floor Padding and a Unifying Top Cover to for the Safety Floor Padding to help preserve its sanitary condition and to make it easier to clean and maintain if and when the floor should become fouled in some way. All the materails used to fabricate the various elements of The Mat King Seclusion Rooms meet Fire Retardant Codes. To read the details of the product specifications and Fire Ratings of the materials used to make The Mat King Secusion Rooms, please click HERE.
Secusion Rooms are often included in Hospitals, Health Care Facilities, Retirement and Senior Citizen Residences, Respite Centers, Daycare Centers, Educational Facilities, department stores and Penitentiaries and other Remand Facilities.
Safety Wall Padding |
The Mat King Seclusion Room Safety Wall Padding is, perhaps, the most visable of the components that make up The Mat King Seclusion Room when looking into one. Safety Wall Padding units are vinyl clad foam filled panels adhered to wooden backings which get secured to the walls of the Seclusion Room with the use of top and bottom nailer strips. The wall pads, which are 6 feet tall and usually 2 feet in width, are mounted 6 inches above the floor to a height of six and a half feet overall, which is more than sufficient for protecting a child or an adult from hurting themselves should they try smashing themselves up against the walls of the room. The door jams get covered as well with protective padding. An observation window can be padded around so that those in charge can keep an eye on the person in need of this type of protection. |
Safety Wall Padding - Plan Drawing (Typical) |
The Mat King Seclusion Room Safety Wall Padding is designed to cushion the user from potential damage. It is is made of 1-1/2 inch thick Polyfoam padding, which is completely coverd with perhaps the leading premium coated vinyl cover material on the market. It is made with a high grade leather-like finish and treated to meet NFPA-701 and CSFM while achieving a Class A rating for ASTM-E-84 . This covering is a muti-purpose product, which is CPSIA certified (6P), has no detection of DnHP (7P), and has less than 100 ppm lead, which assures that it is safe for use with children. Aditionally, this cover material is treated with UV inhibitors and anti-mildew elements to enable it to withstand adverse weather conditions. The Mat King Seclusion Room Safety Wall Padding panels are equipped with a 1 inch wide lip on the top and on the bottom for securing the panels to the walls of the room. The wood backer board is 7/16 of an inch thick, which makes the over all thickness of the Saftey Wall Padding panel a full 2 inches over all. |
Safety Wall Padding - Installation Guidelines |
Safety Floor Padding |
The Mat King Seclusion Room floor is covered completly with vinyl clad foam based folding mats that are filled with 2 inch thick Polyfoam and equipped with Velcro connectors to keep the mats together in an uninterupted protection against inadvertant falling or intentional thrashing about by a person in need of a safe place to stay. On the underside of the entire perimiter of the floor matting layout is a heavy duty Marine Velcro securing component that is used to anchor the The Mat King Seclusion Room Unifying Top Cover to the Floor Padding, which makes it almost impossible for a person to dislodge the elements of the Safety Floor Padding and, when and if there should be a situation where cleaning of the surface of the floor padding be required, The Mat King Seclusion Room Unifying Cover for the Safety Floor Padding will make the process much quicker and much easier than if one had to deal with a number of individual mats and with what ever debris might have spread to the underside of the mats. The Mat King Safety Floor Padding equipped with its Unifying Cover gives "messy stuff" almost no place to hide. |
Safety Floor Matting with Sanitary Cover about to be joined together with Velcro (TM) connectors securing it in place and out of the sight of the user. |
Safety Floor Matting with Sanitary Cover about to be joined together with Velcro (TM) connectors securing it in place and out of the sight of the user. Angular view. |
Safety Floor Matting with Sanitary Cover beng joined together with Velcro (TM) connectors securing it in place and out of the sight of the user. In actual application, this would be done with the Safety Matting facing down and the Sanitary Cover on top of it. |
Safety Floor Mat on its back to display the Velcor (TM) connectors on the edges, whoch will be faced down when being finally instaled so that the Sanitary Cover and its "matching" Velcro (TM) connectors will match up with it. |
Sanitary Cover facing down as it would be to cover the Safety Floor Matting and so that its Velcro Connecors would line up with and be joined to the Velcro (TM) connecots on the underside of the Safety Floor Mats. |
anitary Cover facing up to show the Velcro (TM) connectors in place and ready to be placed face down on the Safety Floor Matting and locked to the Velcro (TM) connectors on the bottom of thos mats. |
Safety Floor Matting with its Velcro (TM) Connecors underneath and out of dsight and ready to be covered over by the Sanitary Cover with its Velcro (TM) connectors on the underside of its edges to connect with the ones on the bottom of the Safety Floor Matting and be unseen by the user. |
Safety Folding Floor Mats - here with logo of school |
Safety Floor Padding - Plan Drawing (Typical) |
For those who ask, "Does our Seclusion Room really need Safety Floor Matting from The Mat King?" the short answer is "Yes" but if you want an in depth understanding of the situation, we invite you to click HERE.
Field Measurement Guidelines - To review the guidelines for measuring a room that is being converted to serve as a Seclusion Room, please click HERE. Please submit results of your field measurements along with a contact person's name, phone number, e-mail address, organization name, city, state and Zip Code for the shipping part of the quotation and we will get back to you with detials. Thank you.
Other names for Seclusion Rooms include: calming rooms, de-escalation rooms, segregation rooms, padded cells, rubber rooms and cool down rooms.
Click HERE for Articles of interest on this subject.
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