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G-Force Traction Matting - Price Chart
Traction is the Attraction Here



G-Force Mach 1 - homogeneous mixture of slip resistant ceramic beads and a modest amount of tiny shards of semi-precious stone
G-Force Mach 2 - homogeneous mixture of slip resistant ceramic beads and and a greater amount of tiny shards of semi-precious stone. Lighter in color due to the higher percentage of white ceramic beads.
G-Force Mach 3 - a coating compriced of tiny shards of semi-precious stone. Dark in color due to the higher percentage of garnett.


Product Number Description Price per LF
2359-101-3001 G-Force Traction Matting; Mach 1; ___ pcs 1/8" x 36" x ____ [Max 40' long]; Back = polyurethane; 2.49#/LF; $/LF round to next full 1/2' (rack#: 2359-101-3001) $34.00
2359-201-3001 G-Force Traction Matting; Mach 2; ___ pcs 1/8" x 36" x ___ [Max 40' long]; Back = polyurethane; 2.49#/LF; $/LF round to next full 1/2' (rack#: 2359-201-3001) $35.00
2359-301-3001 G-Force Traction Matting; Mach 3; ___ pcs 1/8" x 36" x ____ [Max 40' long]; Back = polyurethane; 2.49#/LF; $/LF round to next full 1/2' (rack#: 2359-301-3001) $35.00
Prices are exclusive of shipping. Please provide quantity of matting required; i.e. number of mats and length of each mat; destination city, state and Zip Code and contact information; i.e. name, company, phone, Fax and e-mail.
Deliveries to NY, NJ or CT will have applicable State Sales Tax applied.

Test Results



740 West End Avenue; Suite 1
New York, NY 10025 USA

Phone: 646-998-4208
Fax: 646-998-4073
Phone: 800-442-6544
Fax: 800-Mats-Fax (628-7329)